Emilio Girino


Student since 1981

Graduated cum laude from the University of Pavia in 1985, Emilio Girino, civil lawyer in the field of M&A, corporate contracts and related litigation, as well as banking law, securities brokerage and derivatives contracts, is Managing Partner of Studio Ghidini, Girino e Associati.

Also active in the field of professional and post-graduate specialist teaching, he is a lecturer in the Finance Division of the University Centre of Corporate Organization – CUOA, a lecturer and member of the Scientific Committee of Almaiura, Girino is a columnist for MF-Milano Finanza and a columnist for the economic-financial television channel Class Cnbc.

He is the author of over two hundred scientific articles on banking and financial law and several monographs (including in particular I contratti derivati, Milano, 2010 with preface by P.G. Marchetti – II Ed., I mercati finanziari fra abusi e tutela, Milano, A&FOro n. 6/2006, Dizionario di finanza. Tecniche strumenti operatori, with preface by M. Onado, Milan 2005).

“Ghisleriano di provata fede”, as he likes to say about himself, Girino has been a member of the Ghislieri Foundation’s Board of Directors since 2013 and has headed the Alumni Association since June 2014.

Arianna Arisi Rota


Student since 1983

Full Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Pavia, she teaches “History of Diplomacy” and “History of Contemporary Italy: the Nineteenth Century”.

She is the author of over one hundred publications, member of international research networks and editorial boards of authoritative journals in her field.

From 2002 to 2013 she managed and implemented the international mobility of the Faculty of Political Science, then Department of Political and Social Sciences. Since October 2013 she has been Delegate of the Rector of the University of Pavia for institutional fundraising. For the University in 2011 he curated with M. Tesoro the exhibition “Universities were volcanoes…”. Studenti e professori di Pavia nel Risorgimento.

Andrea Belvedere

Secretary and Treasurer

Student since 1963

Born in Pavia in 1944. Graduated in Law at the University of Pavia in 1967. From 1984 to 2014 Professor of Institutions of Private Law and Civil Law at the Faculty of Law of Pavia, where he now teaches Civil Liability Law.

Since 1995 Professor of Private Law Institutions at Bocconi University for Economics and then for Law. For many years he was Director of the Department of Law Studies at the University of Pavia.

For more than ten years he was a member of the Academic Senate, and then of the Board of Directors of the University of Pavia. Full Member of the Academy of Science and Letters of Milan.  Rector of Ghislieri since 1979.

Stefano Cornara


Student since 2007

Born in Pavia, grown up in Cuneo, I studied Medicine and Surgery and I have always been interested in research, which led me to some international experience (Boston, Washington and Guadalajara). At the end of my degree I was undecided on which way to go, so I attended a year of the specialty in Resuscitation in Milan at the INT and then I returned to Pavia and started the specialty in Cardiology, which I still attend.

Monica Ferrari


Student since 1980

Monica Ferrari is full professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the Department of Humanities at the University of Pavia where she also teaches, among other things, History of Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education.

Federico Focher


Student since 1976

Federico Focher is Research Director of the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the CNR of Pavia, and Professor of History of Biological Thought at the University of Pavia.

Graduated in Pavia in Biological Sciences in 1980, he conducted research abroad at the Institut für Pharmakologie und Biochemie, Universität Zürich-Irchel, and the Institute of Pharmacology, Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester (MA) USA. His research is focused on the study of DNA replication enzymes and the characterization of inhibitors of such enzymes in order to identify new molecules with therapeutic activity.

He is the author of about one hundred scientific publications and several books on the history of biological thought.

Maurizio Harari


Student since 1972

Graduated in Ancient Literature in 1976.  Since 1980 based at the University of Pavia, where in 2010 he became full professor of Etruscology and Italic Antiquities.

He was president of the Petrarca Library from 2002 to 2012 and from 2013 to 2015 president of the Consiglio Didattico; from 2015 Director of the Department of Humanities (awarded for the five-year period 2018-22 with the ministerial qualification of excellence). He also taught at University College London (1988-91) and the University of Ferrara (1992-2001).

Winner of the L’Erma Prize 1978, collaborator of the Encyclopedia dell’Arte Antica Treccani and the Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae. In 2009 fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study, Budapest. Since 2012 full member of the National Institute of Etruscan and Italic Studies. Since 2011 member of panel in evaluations of the European Research Council.

Paolo Mazzarello


Student since 1975

Graduated with honors in Medicine in 1980, he is Full Professor of History of Medicine, Specialist in Neurology and PhD in Neurological Sciences.

Since 2007 he has directed the Museum System of the University of Pavia.

For Bollati Boringhieri he published: Costantinopoli 1786, la congiura e la beffa (2004); Il genio e l’alienista. La strana visita di Lombroso a Tolstoj (2005); Il Nobel dimenticato (2006, translated by Oxford University Press); Il professore e la cantante (2009); L’erba della Regina (2013); E si salvò anche la madre. L’evento che rivoluzionò il parto cesareo (2015).

For the publisher Bompiani has just published: Four Hours in Darkness.

A member of the Istituto Lombardo and the Academia Europaea, he wrote in “Corriere della Sera” and “La Stampa”. He collaborates with “Sette – Corriere della Sera”.

Adele Rimoldi


Student since 1971

College student since 1971. Graduated with honors in Nuclear Physics in 1975 then perfected with honors in Nuclear Physics in 1978 and Associate Professor of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics, she teaches Introduction to Subnuclear Physics in the Bachelor’s Degree and Computer Simulation Processes in the Master’s Degree in Physics at the Department of Physics at the University of Pavia. She is the author of about 800 scientific papers in international journals, numerous articles for participation in International Congresses, and three scientific texts. She has collaborated since 1975 with the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and CERN in Geneva and since 2012 with CNAO in Pavia. Member of the ATLAS experiment at CERN in Geneva since 1992, she has held positions of coordination of scientific groups in the experiment for the research and subsequent discovery of the Higgs Boson and is responsible for the simulation group of the MC-INFN project in Pavia for research on new radiation detectors and simulations at CNAO.

Berardo Rinaldi


Student since 2007.

He obtained IUSS Diploma in the Biomedical Sciences class in 2014. Degree cum laude in Medicine and Surgery in 2013 at the University of Pavia. Scientific High School with honors in 2007 at the Liceo Golgi in Breno.

Already representative of the students of the Collegio in the year 2012/2013, representative of the students on the faculty board in the year 2011/2012, twice as school representative in the years 2003/2004 and 2005/2006.

Creator and organizer of cultural exhibitions and social events.

Roberto Chittolina


Student since 1960

Mantovano and Ghisleriano, graduated in Classical Literature, taught Literary Studies (Italian, Latin, Greek) in the High Schools of his city, without interruptions until his retirement.

For many years he has been active in the Ghislieri College Alumni Association, first as Counselor and then as a member of the Board of Directors.

Always interested in classical music, after various collaborations with local newspapers, for seventeen years he has held the position of music critic for the newspaper La nuova Cronaca di Mantova, following the opera and concert productions of Mantua, Verona, Parma and Brescia.

Ettore Tacchini


Student since 1962

I was born in Bergamo on June 22nd 1943; I attended the Liceo Classico Paolo Sarpi and passed my high school diploma with an average that allowed me to take the admission exams to the Collegio Ghislieri in Pavia, where I entered as a law student in October 1962, graduating in 1966 (the year at the end of which I helped “save” Florence from the damage caused by the flood in November).

I did my military service in the Air Force as a second lieutenant; I passed the exams as a prosecutor at the Court of Appeal of Bologna in October 1969 and I began my self-employed career, which I initially carried out without any choice of field, then mainly in the criminal field (especially with regard to environmental issues, accidents at work and corporate crimes), labour and family law in the firm that was already my father’s and my grandfather’s.

In January 1970 I was elected a member of the Council of the Bar Association, of which I was a member for four rounds until 1976.

For 9 years I worked as Vice Magistrate at Grumello del Monte Magistrate’s Court, in the last years as regent for criminal affairs.

In 1994 I was re-elected a member of the Order’s Board of Directors, of which I became Secretary in 1996 and then Chairman in 1998, confirmed in office until February 2010; when the Union of the Order’s Councils of Lombardy was established, I was elected Chairman from 2001 to July 2010, appointments to which I renounced following my election, in July 2010, as a member of the National Forensic Council for the District of the Court of Appeal of Brescia.

As Chairman of the Bar Association (of which I was appointed Chairman Emeritus) for the work carried out for the construction of the new Court, I was awarded a certificate of civic merit by the Municipality of Bergamo.

In addition to my profession, for a decade I have been President of the Sala Greppi, an association that has been organizing an appreciated symphonic season for almost forty years; I have always had a passion for the mountains (alpine skiing) and in particular for ski mountaineering, and for many years I was a councillor before the SCI-CAI and then of the city section of the Italian Alpine Club; while with respect to another passion, motorcycling, I have held, in succession, the position of Provincial Delegate of the Italian Motorcycling Federation, then of

National Councillor and then member and then President for various councils of the Appeals Commission of that Federation. Coopted in the Rotary Club Bergamo Città Alta in June 1999, I was President for the year 2010/2011. Since November 2007 I have been co-opted as an active member of the University of Arts and Humanities of Bergamo, a speaker on historical and legal issues.

In December 2010 I was appointed Commendatore della Repubblica Italiana.

For several years as Auditor of the Alumni Association, last year I was again elected with the same position.

Silvia Vinci


Student since 1991

She was a student at the Ghislieri College from 1991 to 1996, the year in which she graduated with honors in law from the University of Pavia, subsequently editing some publications. A lawyer since 1999, she has gained significant experience in commercial law also at international level. Member and Secretary of Boards of Directors and Supervisory Bodies. Fluent English.